Living Generous Lives
Supporting the ministry of Bicester Elim
Why Should we Give?
God has set an amazing example of generosity to us by sending His Son to die for us. (John 3 v 16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…”) Throughout scripture we see God's generous nature - He loves to bless and reward His children.
We believe that everything we have belongs to God (Psalm 24 v 1 “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”) . Everything we have has been entrusted to us to be managed according to His principles. How we do this reveals the attitudes of our heart. (Matthew 6 v 21 “Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.”)
Regular giving (tithing) allows us the opportunity to put God first financially, giving back to Him that which He has entrusted to us, and our offerings, which are over and above our regular giving, should come from a grateful heart in thanksgiving and worship.
All donations received are used for the running costs of the church, youth and children's work, salaries, administration and the vital works in our community and as well as supporting missions overseas.
We really appreciate everyone who gives to the work of the church.
So How Can You Be A Generous Giver?
There are a number of ways you can give generously to the work of Bicester Elim Church. There are a number of options below, choose whichever way is easiest for you to do on a regular and committed basis.
Whichever way you choose to give, if you are a UK tax payer you can also complete a Gift Aid form - see the link below. This means, providing we can identify you as the giver, we can claim tax back from HMRC that you paid on all the donations you make (if necessary this can also be backdated by up to four years).
Using the form at the end of this page you can submit a Gift Aid form entirely online and then setup your regular donation method with your bank.
If you have any questions do get in touch.
Ways to Give
If you pay UK Income or Capital Gains tax any amount you donate can be increased at no cost to you as long as you have completed a Gift Aid Form - see further details below.
The most efficient way to give both in terms of time and benefit to us is via a bank standing order (with Gift Aid in place if you pay tax).
1: Give through the bank
Setting up a Standing Order to the church bank account on a monthly basis is what many people find simplest and it is also the most cost effective.
Our bank details are:
Account Name: EFGA (RE BICESTER)
Account Number: 18526209
Sort Code: 60 05 16
Bank: National Westminster
As a reference please put in the word GIFT followed by a slash and your initial and surname. eg. GIFT/FBloggs
You can also increase your giving at no cost to you by completing a Gift Aid Form
2: Give online
You can give online today using a debit or credit card.

We do this in partnership with LoveGiving and with Stripe and they take a small percentage of the donation amount.
3: Give in person
We take up an offering during our weekly services. You can give by cash or by cheque.
These donations can also be gift aided if you have completed a Gift Aid Form and place them in an envelope with your name, date and any additional reference on it given to you by the church finance officer.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid Declaration Form
Charity Number 251549 (England and Wales) and SC037754 (Scotland); Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, Malvern, WR14 4DF
Complete the online gift aid form here and it will be sent to the church email address and to Elim centrally for processing. You can also backdate your gift aid declaration so that historical gifts you have made can also have tax reclaimed by the church. The church will need to be able to prove that you donated, so these historical claims would generally need to have been electronic payments showing on the church bank statements.
Thank you in advance for signing up to gift aid.
Financial Governance
Bicester Elim is part of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK & Ireland (Registered Charity Number: 251549) and as such are subject to strict financial governance and ethical practises. The local leadership works with the Elim Churches national office to ensure compliance with all requirements and external auditors are commissioned to oversee the accounts of the charity.